If you’re not satisfied with your current Home Care Provider or your needs have changed, why not switch to Co.As.It.
Co.As.It. Home Care Packages assist you to live independently in your own home with flexible services and case management to meet your individual needs. We offer services that are sensitive to cultural, linguistic and clinical care needs.
Our staff are caring, experienced, speak your language, and can relate to your needs.
Switching is Easy!
- Call Co.As.It. on (02) 9564 0744. Our team will take the time to listen and understand your needs and discuss our personalised and flexible home care services designed to meet your individual needs, offering a range of services and support so you get the most out of your funding.
- Call My Aged Care on 1800 200 422, advise them you would like to switch providers to Co.As.It. and that you need to reactivate your referral code. We require this code before you can start receiving services.
- Inform your current provider and agree on an end date of your services.
- Call us and confirm the date when your services will end with your current provider. We will then arrange a time to meet with you to finalise your individualised support plan and your new Home Care agreement.
Interested in switching providers to Co.As.It. or would like more information contact us today! (02) 9564 0744 or email us at community@coasit.org.au