Choosing a Home Care Package Provider can be an overwhelming process. After applying for and being assigned a Home Care Package, you and your loved ones will then have to choose a service provider who will manage your package services. Co.As.It. is proud to be a leading Home Care Package Provider in NSW, assisting our clients with accessing a range of services to meet their unique needs. Here are some reasons why you should choose Co.As.It. as your preferred Home Care Package Provider.
- Our Unique Services
As a leading Home Care Package Provider, Co.As.It. offers an extensive range of services. In addition to the standard inclusions of our Home Care Packages, such as domestic assistance, personal care, shopping and transport, we also offer unique services for recipients of our Home Care Packages. One of these services is our Social Support Groups, which help our community to stay connected with one another, through outings and day-trips as well as shared meals and activities. Another unique service we offer for our Home Care clients is our Community Visitors Scheme, where our lovely volunteers provide home visits to our community members. Finally, our Co.As.It. mental health service provides culturally safe and confidential counselling to our community members, supporting their mental health and well-being.
- Our Skilled Staff
All Co.As.It. Home Care Services are delivered to an exceptionally high standard because of our incredible staff. As a recipient of a Home Care Package, you and your loved ones’ needs will be managed in an individualised way by our talented case management and support team. Our coordinators seek to build personal relationships with our Home Care clients, ensuring all services are delivered efficiently, listening to their concerns and managing their evolving needs. Our staff also receive ongoing training to ensure that they are skilled at the highest industry standard.
- Our Understanding and Appreciation of Culture
At Co.As.It., we pride ourselves in our Italian heritage, and supporting our community through lifelong learning. Our appreciation of culture helps us to understand our clients, their unique stories and their values. Our cultural heritage also informs the way we deliver our Home Care Services, working with both our clients and their families, communicating bilingually and with cultural sensitivity.
If you would like more information about choosing Co.As.It. as your Home Care Package Provider, or have any questions around how to access our unique and wonderful services, then you can call us on 9564 0744 or contact us at info@coasit.org.au