It has been said that those who are happiest are those who do the most for others. At Co.As.It., it is our volunteers, who generously give their time and energy to support our community, who reflect this happiness in helping others. The Co.As.It. Community Visitors Scheme (CVS) is a long-standing service in which volunteers visit our community members, in their homes or in a residential care facility, and spend an hour a fortnight chatting and spending time together. At the heart of the CVS program is building relationships within our community, which is especially important right now given the hardship, isolation and loneliness caused by the pandemic in recent years. Our volunteers truly have the opportunity to make a difference, by providing companionship and support to our community members who need it most.
In May of this year, we celebrated National Volunteer Week in honour of the many Australians who contribute to the important and vital service of volunteering. The theme of National Volunteer Week was ‘Better Together,’ reflecting how volunteering brings people together and builds stronger communities. At Co.As.It., our CVS program links volunteers with community members who live locally, and who may share similar interests, cultural backgrounds or life experiences. Importantly, our volunteers have good cultural understanding, and are able to connect with our community members in many ways, including speaking Italian, exchanging stories or simply sharing a cup of coffee together.
All Co.As.It. CVS volunteers receive training and supervision, to ensure they are supported in the important but also challenging work of volunteering. In this way, our volunteers become both a part of their local communities, as well as the Co.As.It. community.
If you also believe that we are ‘better together,’ and would like to be part of Co.As.It.’s amazing CVS program, then apply to be a volunteer here or call us on 9564 0744 to find out how you can make a difference volunteering with Co.As.It.