To give you an insight into the great people that work at Co.As.It, each month we will feature some of our staff in our “Meet the team” blog posts.

My name is Lisa and I’m the Clinical Care Coordinator at Co.As.It.
I completed a Bachelor of Nursing and a Master of Nursing in Clinical Teaching.
I joined Co.As.It. in 2021. I enjoy working at Co.As.It. because I am able to do my job in an environment that also caters to my Italian culture. I feel valued, supported and proud to be part of this incredible team.
In my spare time I enjoy cooking traditional foods with my four children, sewing and crafting.
My coffee order is a cappuccino, 2 sugars served warm.
My favourite pasta dish is my mum’s cannelloni.
My ideal travel destination is all areas of Sicily.
My go to party song is 80’s and 90’s RnB.
My most beloved piece of clothing is my Felur De Lis cardigan.
My perfect car to get around town is the black BMW X7.
The best gift you could give me is any Italian vintage item.
My name is Mina and I’m a Rostering Coordinator at Co.As.It.
I completed a Bachelor of Arts in Interpreting and Translation at the University of Western Sydney.
I joined Co.As.It. in 2021. I enjoy working at Co.As.It. because I like giving back to the community and knowing that we are providing support to our ageing community, in the comfort of their own homes.
In my spare time I enjoy bushwalking, canoeing and bike riding.
My coffee order is an almond milk cappuccino.
My favourite pasta dish is my mum’s fusilli, individually made by hand with a ferretto.
My ideal travel destination is Pink Beach in Aruba, so I can see the flamingos roaming freely on the pink sand.
My go to party song is Don’t You Worry Child, by Swedish House Mafia.
My most beloved piece of clothing is actually a piece of jewellery. It’s a ring I received when I was 21, which has a Roman Galea on it, representing strength and courage.
My perfect car to get around town is the Hyundai Kona because I can put a bike rack on it.
The best gift you could give me is a travel voucher.

My name is Laura and I’m a Receptionist at Co.As.It.
I completed a Bachelor of Public Relations & Marketing at IULM International University of Milan.
I joined Co.As.It. in 2021. I enjoy working at Co.As.It. because we represent a home away from home for the Italian Community in Australia.
In my spare time I enjoy teaching Pilates as well as spending time with my friends.
My coffee order is a soy latte.
My favourite pasta dish is Linguine al pesto.
My ideal travel destination is Positano, Italy.
My go to party song is Maracaibo.
My most beloved piece of clothing is a pair of mittens my nonna knitted for me.
My perfect car to get around town is the new Beetle convertible.
The best gift you could give me is anything made in Italy.
My name is Nives and I am a Case Management Coordinator at Co.As.It.
I completed a Diploma in Social Welfare at Sydney Institute of TAFE. I then went on to work in advocacy and social justice through crisis intervention and casework management.
I initially joined Co.As.It from 1979 -1988 as a teacher of Italian language and culture and now returned in 2021. I enjoy working at Co.As.It. because I feel excited to share my passion and skills with the community I love, and to expand my knowledge.
In my spare time I enjoy gardening, swimming, bushwalking, skiing.
My coffee order is a short black espresso.
My favourite pasta dish is spinach and ricotta ravioli.
My ideal travel destination is Presule, Italy.
My go to party song is any song by Ed Sheeran.
My most beloved piece of clothing is my Max Mara winter coat.
My perfect car to get around town is my dependable Toyota Corolla Ascent Sport.
The best gift you could give me are flowers.