To give you an insight into the great people that work at Co.As.It, each month we will feature some of our staff in our “Meet the team” blog posts.

My name is Sofia and I’m the Enrolments and Course Administration Coordinator at Co.As.It.
I completed a Bachelor of Psychology at the University of Bologna and a Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care at MEGT College in Sydney.
I joined Co.As.It. in 2023. I enjoy working at Co.As.It. because I like the idea of spreading the Italian language and culture in Australia.
In my spare time I enjoy cooking, gardening, going to the theatre and building LEGO.
My coffee order is a cappuccino. Although I do like the occasional iced latte.
My favourite pasta dish is my mum’s tortelli di patate (tortelli with potatoes).
My ideal travel destination is anywhere in Europe.
My go to party song is any early 2000’s Britney, Madonna, Ke$ha. Or 80s music, love that too.
My most beloved piece of clothing is my collection of eclectic shirts from Dangerfield.
My perfect car to get around town is the Holden Barina.
The best gift you could give me is a LEGO set.
My name is Emma and I’m a Teacher at Co.As.It.
I completed a Bachelor degree in Foreign Languages and Literature at the Università di Firenze.
I joined Co.As.It. in 2023. I enjoy working at Co.As.It. because I am passionate about language learning and love to teach people about Italian culture.
In my spare time I enjoy gardening, drawing and bushwalking.
My coffee order is a cappuccino.
My favourite pasta dish is pasta with beans.
My ideal travel destination is currently, Iceland.
My go to party song is Man! I feel like a Woman by Shania Twain.
My most beloved piece of clothing is my black trench coat.
My perfect car to get around town is actually a bike.
The best gift you could give me is art supplies or a house plant.