To give you an insight into the great people that work at Co.As.It, each month we will feature some of our staff in our “Meet the team” blog posts.

My name is Vincenzo and I’m a Social Worker at Co.As.It.
I completed a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Social Work at James Gordon University (UK) and an Associate Degree in Social Work at the University of Newcastle (UK).
I joined Co.As.It. in 2009. I enjoy working at Co.As.It. because I enjoy assisting clients to achieve their goals in living the life they choose.
In my spare time I enjoy relaxing with my daughters, walking, keeping fit and reading.
My coffee order is macchiato.
My favourite pasta dish is cannelloni.
My ideal travel destination is Patagonia.
My go to party song is any Spanish tune.
My most beloved piece of clothing is a great jumper my daughter gave me.
My perfect car to get around town is the one I have now.
The best gift you could give me is a thank you!
My name is Francesco and I’m the Operations Coordinator at Co.As.It.
I completed a Cert IV in Drug & Alcohol and a certificate in Teaching Foreign Languages at UNSW. I joined Co.As.It. in 2005. I enjoy working at Co.As.It. because Co.As.It. provides help and support to our community, to the elderly, to people with emotional issues and to people with addiction problems. Co.As.It also keeps the Italian culture and language very much alive through our Italian Bilingual school.
In my spare time I enjoy yoga, playing piano and cooking.
My coffee order is an Espresso.
My favourite pasta dish is Spaghetti allo scoglio.
My ideal travel destination is the World.
My go to party song is any good classical music.
My most beloved piece of clothing is anything by Armani.
My perfect car to get around town is my motorbike.
The best gift you could give me is a good bottle of red wine, Barossa Valley Shiraz.

My name is Silvia and I’m a Senior Teacher at Co.As.It.
I studied History and Philosophy at the University of Pisa then I went on to complete a Post-Graduate Diploma in Modern Languages Teaching Methodology at Sydney University. I joined Co.As.It. in 1997. I enjoy working at Co.As.It. because I feel part of an extended family.
In my spare time, I enjoy yoga, cooking, walking my dogs and reading.
My coffee order is a short black espresso.
My favorite pasta dish is vongole, zafferano e fiori di zucca.
My ideal travel destination is all around the world.
My go to party song is any song by Talking Heads.
My most beloved piece of clothing is determined by how I feel.
My perfect car to get around town is a Mini Minor Classic.
The best gift you could give me is my favourite wine, Brunello di Montalcino.
My name is Rose and I am a Primary School Teacher at the Italian Bilingual School.
I completed a Bachelor of Arts with a Bachelor of Education at Macquarie University. I joined Co.As.It. in 2016. I enjoy working at Co.As.It. because I love the diversity and culture that exists at the Italian Bilingual School and I enjoy working with a dedicated and passionate group of teachers.
In my spare time I enjoy walking, gardening, shopping and meeting up with friends.
My coffee order is a Soy Latte.
My favourite pasta dish is Spaghetti with homemade tomato sauce, basil and fresh artichokes.
My ideal travel destination is Europe.
My go to party song is any song by Bon Jovi.
My most beloved piece of clothing are my pair of jeans.
My perfect car to get around town is the Mini Countryman in Metallic Blue.
The best gift you could give me is a good bottle of Dessert & Fortified wine.