Co.As.It. participated in a Multicultural Dementia Campaign Project. The project was supported by The Dementia-Friendly Communities program of Dementia Australia, and administrated by Community and Cultural Connections Inc, Inner West Area Sector Support Development Officer, Inner West Council and Sydney Local Health District.
The overall project targeted five culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities including Greek, Italian, Korean, Chinese and Vietnamese. In collaboration, we delivered a Dementia Awareness Information Seminar to the Italian community. The aim of the session was to link people living with dementia and their families, to services and supports that are available to them in the community.
Our counselling team provides information to carers on their role in supporting someone with dementia, with a focus on healthy ageing.
The Multicultural Dementia Campaign Project was a finalist for the 2019 NSW Premier’s Community Campaign of the Year Award.