Italian is one of the most widely taught languages in Australian primary and secondary schools.

Italian remains one of the most widely spoken community languages in homes across Australia, with over 8,000 pupils in over 40 State, Catholic, and Independent schools throughout NSW participating in Co.As.It.’s Insertion Program in the 2025 school year. As part of the initiative, Co.As.It. offers a contribution to schools for each student studying Italian during the academic year, with the total contribution determined by the number of students learning the language (subject to funding).

To register, schools must apply to be part of the Insertion Program and sign an agreement with Co.As.It. As part of this agreement, schools are required to provide data twice a year on the number of Italian students, the number of hours taught weekly, and the names and qualifications of Italian teachers, as required by Italy’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

Schools in the Insertion Program can access an Italian Language Assistant. Co.As.It. places Italian graduates, certified in teaching Italian as a second language, to support both students and teachers at no cost to the schools.

To join the Insertion Program, please contact:

Finanziamento: Contributo del Ministero degli Affari Esteri e Cooperazione Internazionale (MAECI) sotto il Capitolo 3153, Iniziativa 1 “Corsi integrati nel curricolo finalizzati al conseguimento della certificazione” approvato con graduatorie finali pubblicate con D.M. 0520 del 15/5/2024.