Italian is one of the most widely taught languages in Australian primary schools.
Find out where your child’s development can be extended by learning Italian in one of the most successful language programs in Australia. The program follows the NSW K-10 Italian Syllabus and teaches thousands of students across the State.
Italian is still one of the most widely spoken community languages in the home Australia-wide and some 5,000 pupils are involved in Co.As.It’s Insertion Program in the 2020 school year.
The program is conducted in over 35 State, Catholic and Independent Primary Schools throughout NSW.
Classes are conducted by qualified teachers of Italian who hold recognised teaching qualifications and are NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) accredited.
At present, classes receive 1.5 and 2 hours of instruction per week in all State schools in line with NSW Department of Education requirements and 1 hour per week of teaching of the Italian language and culture in the Catholic and Independent sector.
Italian continues to be part of the H.S.I.E.(Human Society and its Environment), Key Learning Area (KLA) of the N.S.W. Primary Curriculum. It has its own syllabus K-10 developed by NESA. Many schools now integrate the Italian Program as part of the school curriculum with other KLAs.
Finanziamento: Contributo del Ministero degli Affari Esteri e Cooperazione Internazionale (MAECI) sotto il Capitolo 3153, Iniziativa 1 “Corsi integrati nel curricolo finalizzati al conseguimento della certificazione” approvato con graduatorie finali pubblicate con D.M. 0520 del 15/5/2024.